I don't know what it is, but even in the middle of the winter, I love icecream. Homemade or storebought, I don't discriminate. A happy memory of growing up in our log home was making snow ice cream in Jackson Hole. It's been such a dry winter this year that when it snowed the last couple days I took advantage of the opportunity. My daughter enjoyed helping gather the snow and eating the final product. Here's the recipe:
Snow Icecream
one bowl of fresh, white (*not yellow*) snow (about 10 cups) 1 tsp vanilla 1 14 oz can sweetened condenced milk Mix everything together with a wooden spoon!
Real Ice cream in Jackson Hole
[caption id="attachment_1466" align="aligncenter" width="512"] Haagen Dazs dulce de leche cookie square[/caption] However, if you are looking for some real, snow-free icecream in Jackson, Haagen Dazs is a great pick. It's right off the town square. Some of the favorites at this location are the huckleberry shakes and the brownie cookie ice cream sandwiches (I want to try the dulce de leche cookie squares ). And for all of the non-dairy people out there, your icecream dreams are about to come true. I spoke to the Jackson Haagen Dazs today and, coming in early March, they will be introducing 2 new, delicious non-dairy flavors. [caption id="attachment_1467" align="aligncenter" width="553"] Peanut butter chocolate fudge non-dairy Haagen Dazs[/caption] Whether you make your own snow icecream, or have the real stuff, there's icecream options for everyone in Jackson!